Maryborough Sports Leisure Centre, Outdoor Swimming Pools
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Outdoor Pools
The MSLC operates multiple Outdoor pools over the summer period:
* Maryborough Olympic Outdoor Pool -CLOSED for repairs
* Talbot Outdoor Pool
* Dunolly Outdoor Pool

Maryborough Olympic Outdoor Pool
CLOSED indefinitely due to Structural Issues and repairs,
However the Maryborough Indoor Pool is open extended hours throughout Summer. 

The Olympic Pool is more than 80 years old and for safety and structural reasons the pool cannot be re-opened until it is demolished and rebuilt. 
This will be a significant project at considerable cost and Council will continue to advocate to State and Federal Governments for funding. 
We understand this will cause inconvenience and dissapointment to our local community and visitors to our Shire and have implemented a range of swimming options for the community in the meantime. 
More information on this project can be found here:
Maryborough Outdoor Pool upgrade

Talbot & Dunolly Outdoor Pools

Season Opens: Sunday 1st December 2024 
Season Closes: Monday 10th March 2025


Open Hours:
School Days 3.30pm to 7.00pm 
Weekends/Public Holidays  and School Holidays 1.00pm to 7.00pm

Christmas Day - CLOSED

*Open when temp is 25degrees and higher*




1. Children under 10 years:

Must be accompanied into the centre by a responsible parent / guardian
Must be constantly and actively supervised
Parents / guardians must position themselves to have a clear view of the child with no physical or structural barriers between them and the child / children

2. Children under 5 years:

Must be accompanied into the centre and the water by a responsible parent / guardian
Must stay within arm’s reach during recreational play activities

3. Children 10 years old and over:

Parents must use their knowledge of an individual child’s swimming ability and general development to determine the level of accompaniment required